The Energy Inside Leadership: Stories of Collaboration and Change from the Heart of Europe


Sonja Klopčič, a developer of modern leadership, through real business stories with a personal touch gives the necessary knowledge for the successful leadership and vision of collaborative leadership. Attractive reading for all leaders and those who will still become.

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Today, it is modern to talk about social capital, good relations, and mutual trust. But it would be even more important to act in such a manner. Here, we can benefit from the concept of collaborative leadership that Sonja presents in the book. Collaborative leadership transcends leadership, as we commonly perceive it and, at the same time differs from it. Its essence lies in fulfilling our calling and vision. Not in just any way, however, but rather by connecting leading and cooperating as well as power and responsibility. There is a chronic lack of leadership, as Sonja describes it in our environment. In every field, not only in the business world. Even though the book recounts various success stories, it is not a story of success. It is rather a book about development, when the biggest leaps forward perhaps happen as a result of failures if we regard them as an opportunity to learn.

The book The Energy Inside Leadership also confirms the exhilarating power of the written word. To be able to write something one needs to clear their mind, dive deep, and grasp the essence. And when what has been written is read by others, they open the door to their mind and let the words trickle in. If the messages are strong enough, reading them can also inspire different actions. Such messages abound in this book and some of them are highlighted perhaps for this very reason. That is why I am convinced that the book will further the validation of collaborative leadership and thus fulfill its purpose. Everyone who wishes to develop the leader within will find it very useful. Finally, this book also greatly contributes to the development of the field and I believe that by writing it Sonja has merely laid the foundation of her calling, thus I look forward to her future works.

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Dimensions 24 × 16 × 3 cm



  1. Curtis Michelson, Founder & Principal, Minds Alert, Florida, USA

    Many business books today provide high-level abstract views of management or leadership, and they offer memorable recipes to try in one’s own context. This is not such a book. It is instead a welcome addition to the emerging conversation around business and organizational design, full of flesh and blood stories, successes and failures, and pointers to many profound seeds of thought and inspiration.

    The English edition is thoughtfully rendered and Sonja’s metaphors shine through – “People are the heart of a company, and money is its blood”. When she tells the Svea story and describes the final days, “it was like watching a sinking ship and waiting for it to sink deeper, until it completely submerged…[until] it was too late to to launch a rescure mission”, you feel your heart sinking with hers and the employees. You too are drawn into The Energy Inside Leadership.

    As a U.S. based reader, this book was for me timely and poignant, as we on the left side of the Atlantic at this political moment, find ourselves looking to Europe for new inspiration as American leadership steps off the world stage. Above all, I feel this work is a deep invitation for all global practitioners of business change to enter, or re-enter, the conversation of collaborative leadership.

  2. Violeta Bulc, MSc, EU Commissioner for Transport

    The book The Energy Inside Leadership proves that Slovenian business environments are maturing: through experience, knowledge, personality development and appreciation of leadership at its finest. In her book, Sonja lays before us, in her sincere and logical manner, the subtly interconnected experiences and decisions of people whose stories come alive in full color, presenting a crucial period of Slovenian entrepreneurship, management and leadership. The path she has walked for all the co-creators of entrepreneurship in Slovenia will enable them, through the simple act of reading this book, to work at a much higher level of consciousness, self-confidence and creativity: with and for the people.

  3. Ravi Chaudhry, Founder & Chairman, CeNext, India

    What a heart-warming story – a transparent account of the trials of entrepreneurship, the challenges of ethical leadership and the continuous search for meaning in whatever you do. An inspiring work based on leadership lessons and practical insights learnt over decades of sincere efforts and honest work. The book deserves to be widely read by every young person embarking upon a new career and every manger aspiring to become a better leader.

  4. Aja Imlintz-Appel, CEO, Five Steps, Germany

    I love Sonja’s commitment to the development of people. Her proactive intelligence enables her to see what it needs to support big potential and possibilities within both people and processes.

    To point out the necessity for taking big steps in the area of leadership her book encourages each individual to leave the comfort zone and put their fixed concepts about how things and also how a leader should be on stake.

    She also describes that challenge by telling the story about the invitation of our circle of visionaries a few years ago.

    The idea showed up for me after we had had the honor to work with our Five Steps Team to facilitate, coach and train an extraordinary leadership development process with Tatjana Fink and the 60 key leaders of Trimo in Slovenia.

    My invitation for circle of visionaries is still open and Sonja is probably the best one to make that circle of visionaries on a very practical level happen, because – as her book shows – she really understands the big possibility and potential which is waiting to unfold.

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