
The AEIOU of Leadership, Five Approaches to Leadership for Tomorrow


Business leaders need to attain 4 p’s goals: profit, people, planet and purpose, if we want that humanity will thrive in our planet. I add to this the 5th dimension: leading with love.

The book brings 5 models and tools to understand the new leadership code and 55 ideas, stories and inspirations for the evolution of individuals and organizations. This is a guide for all leaders who want to co-create sustainable success.

Readers savour the wisdom and the charm of the book, written with love, they say it is a new leadership bible and a must read for every leader.



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© 2015–2020 VODITELJSTVO, Vodenje, razvoj in svetovanje,
Sonja Klopčič s.p.

Izvedba: ŠPM

“Dajem impulze za spremembe in utiram nove poti z iskanjem pravičnosti za vse.”

Sonja Klopčič, podjetnica, managerka in voditeljica